•November 12, 2006 • 3 Comments

my winged friends in china

kinda many kinda’s?????

•November 11, 2006 • 1 Comment

just realised that there were rather many kinda’s in that last post. word of the day, i guess.
and i guess the pics are not coming as i have not succeeded in uploading them.
better luck next time, to me and to you!!!

using a pen drive

•November 11, 2006 • 1 Comment

finally…….get to use the pen drive….and finally kinda learning how. guess i kinda knew before, but never did try and never did find it. not too much memory tho, so cannot transfer all the files i need to. the prob of course is not quite being able to access the net from my notebook upstairs.

been kinda a not-much-to-do kinda day….so played around with some pictures and watched tiger woods have the kind of day at golf that i always feel i have. poor guy!

anyway now that i have gotten the pen drive to work i too can start posting pics…….china ones no less, but no one would know they were from china.

was also going to photograph a loaf of bread that i did today, courtesy of che2 ju…..she forwarded a bread recipe that needed no kneading, but took lots of time…taken from the ny times so i thought i might as well try it out, especially with the promise of a hard crust and soft insides….just the kind of bread that i like. this is now about 22 hours after i started (around midnight last night, of course) and the bread was done about 5 hours ago. really good and crisp when hot…..thanks, ju!! may get tough with time, though. anyway when i brought down the camera and took the bread out to photograph, found that the camera battery just ran out. so much for that.

anyways, china pics to come! enjoy!!!!

buying pearls in china

•November 6, 2006 • 3 Comments

those of us who have been on china tours are well aware of the many ‘compulsory shopping’ stops we have to make….and after one or two such tours you have seen or heard them all. and yet, go again you must.
no different this time….pearls was one of our stops.
carol looked at a string that was priced at 5800 yuan…..and was offerred free earrings and a ring to go with it for free. haggling time came…..the guy volunteered to bring it down to about 1600 or thereabouts. carol said 800, and he said ‘ok’…..and carol said ‘suku, i kena taken already lah’. but it was a pretty string and very nice set…..and 5800 without the first big figure is still a great buy!!! so if you are going to china, remember that bargaining for 15% of original price is big deal….pun intended!!!!
we didn’t manage to bargain much on teas and traditional herbs and stuff, tho”. if anyone did, please tell us about it!!

guess who we met in china?

•November 4, 2006 • 2 Comments

we were in shanghai and some surrounding towns/cities over the deeparaya hols – staff trip- and were going into some obscure restaurant when of all persons Bien (Mei Nien) called out to me and said hi! truly a small world!!! for the rest of the trip kept runnign into her at all the usual tourist spots.

just a few tales from china
been into men’s toilets many times before……especially on holidays where there are more women than men, and the women’s toilets always had awfully long queues. or at golf courses, where a friend would keep a lookout! so this time we also had a stop where the queue was really long and before i got into the queue our fellow holiday-ers were heading elsewhere as directed by the tour guide – nice young man, obviously one of top ten national guides in china. speaks good english – so just followed. ….. into the gents
as i said earlier, been to many men’s toilets before, BUT not when there are quys inside happily doing their thing!!!! men on the right and men on the left..and to top it all, many of whom we knew…our own guys and others. some strangers came in, saw us ladies, and literally ran out…prob thought he was in the wrong place!! the ignominy of it all. ah well! they say there’s always a first for everything.

at the spa….
we travelled about 5 hours from shanghai or nanjing or somewhere to a place called wu xi??? where i met bien….and went to a spa. supposed to spend at least like 5 hours there, lunch and dinner provided. went into the locker room after my massage….fully clothed, and as i turned right towards my locker, there was this not too young woman, sitting quite comfortably on a stool, legs kinda wide open, not a stitch on!!! quite a few unclothed pple walking roung after their milk scrub and other treatments.. they say we are somewhat prudish

the things we take for granted!!!!

•November 4, 2006 • Leave a Comment

was awakened yesterday morning at about 4. aircond had gone off. looked out the window and the neighbours had their lights…..woke daddy up to check… but needed him to be a little wary ‘cos i thought it a little mysterious, and suspicious that when i checked the comp room doors in the night before going to bed they were all closed but totally unlocked…each of the 6 latches….so gave him a golf club…putter…to take along to check and see if it was just a simple ‘check the switchboard’ type solutions that we needed….. but he seemed to have had trouble gettting the switches to stay on…..some strange burning smell around the house as well. so it was out with candles and torches. managed to get one or two areas with electricity, but lights started flickering and could not stay on.. so left that, couldn’t quite go back to sleep so decided to go to early morning mass (6.15 am) at SFX since it was all soul’s and couldnt make it to KA that night as we had a session scheduled with Julie. told bob that God actually needed to switch off the lights to get us to go to church in the morning.

saw quite a few familiar faces, including lily and peter reeves and joanne. Got bob to drop me off at KLG for golf with rohani and noni. a little better this time…3 pars on the 2nd nine (started on 2nd nine) and one more on the first…scored 49 and 53….blew a few as usual.

back home still no electricity for the rest of the day. called electrician andTNB…TNB ppl finally came after 6 in the evening….and couldn’t do much!!!! all 6 fridges off for 36 hours!!!!

no air con, no pc, no tv, no hse phone, no fan, no lights…..oh, were told we could use some lights….so we did. one or two, and the stand fan….both promptly went off about 2 a.m. (friday ). played 9 with zah, Lynda and Hooi Yin…..power came back at about 4 or so. spent part of the afternoon at ranjan’s.up to now, tho’, saturday night, the astro is not working, gate on reserve power and quite a few lights and aircons not quite working. bob has gone to phuket, back tomorrow.
miss all of life’s many comforts, basic tho’ they are!!!

golf…and ants!!

•November 1, 2006 • 6 Comments

got an early morning call this morning……it was zah with….aiyoh! i woke you up ar? so sorry! want to play golf ar?

i said ‘when?’….and she said ‘now’

so there i went ….played 9 with jovy,nur and zah….and the next 9 without jovy…..who was celebrating her wedding anniversary today and hub was taking her out to buy fairway wood!

game was not great, still shanking the ball endless, but driving and fairway woods a little better than yesterday. still work to be done. lost one nice new ball that had gotten plugged at hole no 11. one par and a few bogeys…..better by much than yesterdays bogeyless day.

just wanted to share ant control methods with anyone who is interested….came back from shanghai the other day with kids complaining that ants were planning to take over the house and the maid saying that rahim…boy friday sort of person?…had run out of whatever ant poison he was using and complained that it was very, very smelly. so early sat morning i went into the net and looked up natural methods of ant control and found one i could try out straight away as i had all the ingredients…..2 cups water, 1 cup white vinegar, and about 6 or so tablespoons of dish detergent. spray it on and the ants die almost immediately. they do come back, but after one or two days of doing same, they are a lot more sparse and difficult to find…..so try it out! brilliant solution, i thought!!!!

yeah…a little freer today, no session with julie, and only mass tonight….all saints…day of obligation.

i did it!!

•October 31, 2006 • 4 Comments

hey…..i did it…am now a blogger….not bad for an old so and so…..quite excited about the whole thing really….especially for my away kid….thanks to my around-kid!!!

been very, very busy lately…just back from a whole week in shanghai followed by two days of self-esteem building thru the inner child with the youths, then more of julie for family reconciliation ….. 3 days this week…with ccc…..and this morning, finally some golf !!!! yeah!!!! but sad to say i really sucked at it. talk about being humbled….for ever and always. good catching up with roy and noni, tho’!

guess that’s enough for first posting!!!!

Hello world!

•October 31, 2006 • 2 Comments

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